Friday, October 31, 2014

Research Paper Reflection

FINALLY DONE!!!!!!!!!!!  My ten page research paper is finally done.  Although we were given about three weeks to complete this monstrous task, I didn't realize how quickly the weeks would pass.   Thankfully, we were instructed to follow a strict process that allowed the essay to flow more easily.   We broke down each part of the essay and had gave ourselves a week for each part.

The first section was an annotated bibliography.  We, as a class, went to the Harold B. Lee Library and accessed the database to find articles for our paper.  For the rest of the week our assignment was to annotate each article that we found so that when it came time to develop our body paragraphs, we already had our quotes and commentary written.

The following week was the body paragraphs and thesis.  Since we had already annotated most of our body paragraphs, this step was fairly simple.  The most difficult portion of this paper for me was writing my thesis, which I changed more than ten times.  I was incredibly indecisive on which articles I wanted to create my main argument.  The solution I concluded with was to have three main arguments, each with sub-points that wrapped up my research.

The third portion was the introduction and conclusion.  For my introduction, I decided to include a personal narrative.  I gave a snippet of my family history along with the effect it's had on me.  I found that the patterns that occur in my family are not unusual, and in fact have been extensively researched due to the commonality.  It flowed perfectly with my research and allowed my conclusion to serve as a wrap-up for all my scattered thoughts.

Despite this schedule that I tried so diligently to follow, I stayed awake almost all night the night before doing (very) last minute edits to perfect my final draft... but who cares? It's done!!

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