Monday, October 6, 2014


This past weekend was General Conference!
I was fortunate enough to attend the Saturday morning session with my mom and some of my best friends.  What a beautiful opportunity.  I was able to hear my favorite speaker, President Uchtdorf, who spoke profoundly on strengthening your testimony.

However, the largest impact on me over the weekend was from Elder Chi Hong (Sam) Wong from Hong Kong, China, whose talk was entitled "Rescue in Unity."  I recently returned from a family trip to Hong Kong where I observed a lack of unity.  The culture, to my surprise, was very self serving and people decided to work by themselves to get ahead.  I noticed similar attributes among my peers in school when I returned home.  Unity and love for one another became something out of the ordinary and something I began to notice.  Elder Wong's talk encompassed the story of a lame man who needed to see Jesus to be healed.  Instead of focusing on the disabled man, Elder Wong focused on the four believers that carried him to Jesus despite repeated challenges.  Their unwavering faith and persistence allowed the man to go unto Christ.

Elder Wong likened this parable unto modern times and portrayed how we can save the "disabled" souls who haven't yet come unto Christ to be made whole by working together and serving by example.  "In order to assist the Savior, we have to work together in unity and in harmony.  Everyone, every position, and every calling is important" (Wong).

I couldn't help but think of my friends from home and in China.  Hopefully my example throughout our time at home will help make their rescue easier in the future when the Lord sends His missionaries to bring them unto His Kingdom.

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