Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving Break

Oh my goodness!  It was so fantastic to be home!!!!!  I rushed straight from the plane to the warm sand at seven o'clock at night. Yes, warm sand at night.  As I left Salt Lake City it was a whopping 23 degrees and snowing, but as I exited the Los Angeles Airport the California breeze of 74 degrees rushed throughout my body.  I was home.  After my quick jump into the Malibu ocean, I hurried home, just a minute away from the sand, to see my beloved best friend, Bella.  Bella is my puppy, even though she's eight years old, a mom of seven, and only acts like a puppy in spurts of excitement.

My next request was take out from my favorite restaurant from back home: Thai Dishes.  I always order the same thing, pad thai and chicken fried rice, and it never gets old.  Following dinner I was able to see some of my friends and reminisce about how polar opposite our college experiences have been (I'm the only Mormon in the group).  The following days were filled mostly with beach time as I begged the sun to kiss my skin.  I guess I didn't plead hard enough because I've returned still white as snow.

Some of the highlights of my trip home were a day to Disneyland, attending the Rose Bowl to see UCLA face off to Stanford, Thanksgiving dinner (obviously), seeing the new Hunger Games movie, being back in my home ward, seeing all my friends, and the glorious weather all week long.  I couldn't have asked for a more perfect week.  Although I'm sad to be back in Provo for finals, only two and a half more weeks and I'll be back on the beach for Christmas!!  Study now, play later.  Wish me luck!

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