Saturday, November 22, 2014

Personal Narrative Reflection

My narrative didn't come as a surprise to me.  A prominent theme throughout my life has been perseverance through trials, on which I wrote my narrative.  I briefly described two scenes of significant challenges and showed how they have affected me (one pictured below).  I have written about these experiences before, so when the time came to write about obstacles that have taught me life lessons, I already had an idea.
After my very first surgery!

I enjoyed writing the narrative more than the other assignments in Writing 150 because the ideas and sentence structure came naturally.  I was able to use real dialog and evoke true feelings through diction that was actually used during these times.  This essay was easier than describing in detail a topic of research that I wasn't attached to.  I also appreciated the length of the narrative.  Five pages is a perfect size to get a theme across without droning on.

If I were to take this class again, I would prefer the same structure and timing of essays, except for the restaurant review project.  I believe it would be more beneficial to begin with the review because it allowed classmates to become friends and enjoy aspects of the class that we didn't before.  Other than that, I appreciated starting with a rhetorical analysis because it was similar to many of the essays I wrote at the end of high school; so I was familiar with the process.  I mostly enjoyed writing the research paper before finals because I had time to focus on it during a point of relaxation in my other classes.

Finally, now I can relax during Thanksgiving!! Thanks, Sister Steadman!

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